K. Takeuchi, "Generalized Approximate Message-Passing for Compressed
Sensing with Sublinear Sparsity," accepted for presentation at 2025 IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust. Speech Signal Process., Hyderabad, India, Apr. 2025.
S. Zhang, C.-K. Wen, K. Takeuchi, and S. Jin, "Orthogonal Approximate Message Passing for GFDM Detection," in Proc. 18th IEEE Int. Workshop Sig. Process. Advances Wirel. Commun. (SPAWC 2017), Sapporo, Japan, pp. 695-699, Jul. 2017.
R. Ohashi, K. Kasai, and K. Takeuchi, "Multi-Dimensional Spatially-Coupled Codes," in Proc. 2013 IEEE Int. Symp. Inf. Theory, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 2448-2452, Jul. 2013.
K. Takeuchi, R. R. Müller, M. Vehkaperä, and T. Tanaka, "A New Signaling Scheme for Large DS-CDMA Channels without CSI," in 2nd Workshop on Physics-Inspired Paradigms in Wireless Communications and Networks (Physcomnet 2009) (published in Proc. 7th Model. & Opt. Mob. Ad-Hoc Wireless Net. (Wiopt 2009)), Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2009. (Invited paper without review)
M. Vehkaperä, K. Takeuchi, R. R. Müller, and T. Tanaka, "On Asymptotic Performance of Iterative Channel and Data Estimation in Large DS-CDMA Systems," in 2nd Workshop on Physics-Inspired Paradigms in Wireless Communications and Networks (Physcomnet 2009) (published in Proc. 7th Model. & Opt. Mob. Ad-Hoc Wireless Net. (Wiopt 2009)), Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2009. (Invited paper without review)
K. Takeuchi, "Optimal Amount of Pilot Information for MIMO Channel Estimation," Joint Workshop of Beijing, Hong Kong and Kyoto on Computational Mathematics, Computer and Systems Sciences (CMCSS) 2009, Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2009. (without review)
K. Takeuchi, "Large-System Analysis of MIMO-CDMA Channels with Imperfect Channel State Information," Chinese Academy of Science-Kyoto University Joint Workshop on Mathematical Methods for Informatics, Engineering and Management, Beijing, China, Mar. 2008 (without review).
K. Takeuchi and T. Tanaka, "Statistical-Mechanics-Based Analysis of a Random Vector Channel with a Hierarchical Structure," in Proc. International Workshop on Statistical-Mechanical Informatics 2007, pp. 45-54, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 2007. (Invited paper without review)