K. Takeuchi, "Comprehensive Comparison of Message-Passing Algorithms
for Compressed Sensing," Mathematics for Innovation in Information and Communication Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 2024. (Invited Talk)
竹内啓悟,「メッセージ伝播復調法の課題と展望」,電子情報通信学会コミュニケーションシステム/回路とシステム研究会,信学技報,vol. 123,no. 439,CS2023-114, pp. 58-63,沖縄県石垣市,2024年3月.(特別招待講演)
K. Takeuchi, R. R. Müller, and T. Kawastrongata, "Large-System Analysis of Data-Dependent User Selection with General Modulation for MIMO strongroadcast Channels," in Proc. 35th Symp. Inf. Theory and its Appl. (SITA2012), pp. 449-454,strongeppu, Oita, Japan, Dec. 2012.