
K. Yamamoto, K. Komatsu, Y. Miyaji and H. Uehara, "In-Band Full-Duplex Transceiver with Low-IF and Shared-LO Architecture for Small IoT Devices,"in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Y. Miyaji, K. Komatsu and H. Uehara, "Digital Self-Interference Cancellations Addressing Radio-Frequency Impairments for In-Band Full Duplex," in IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E107-B, no. 12, pp. 882-889, December 2024.
田中空斗, 足立裕基, 小松和暉, 上原秀幸,"大学構内におけるWi-Fiの受信信号強度とスマートフォンを用いた屋内位置推定システムの開発," 電子情報通信学会論文誌B, Vol.J107-B, No.3, pp.209-217, Oct. 2023.
Kazuki Komatsu, Yuichi Miyaji, Hideyuki Uehara and Takeshi Matsumura, "Theoretical Investigation and Optimization of Power Amplifier Nonlinearity for In-Band Full-Duplex Radios," IEEE Trans. on Wirel. Communi., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 3384-3396, May 2023.
Ryota Shinoda, Ibuki Yoshitani, Yuichi Miyaji, Hideyuki Uehara, "Feature extraction from I/Q signals for ZigBee devices identification," IEICE Communications Express,vol. 10, no. 12, pp.942-947, Dec. 2021.
Eisaku Sato, Kazuki Komatsu, Yuichi Miyaji, Hideyuki Uehara, "Improvement in bit error rate of in-band full-duplex transceiver using clipping and clip-noise compensation techniques," IEICE Communications Express, vol. 10, no. 12, pp.918-923, Dec. 2021.
Kazuki Komatsu, Yuichi Miyaji , Hideyuki Uehara, "Theoretical Analysis of In-Band Full-Duplex Radios with Parallel Hammerstein Self-Interference Cancellers," IEEE Trans. on Wirel. Communi., vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 6772 - 6786, Oct. 2021.
佐藤之斗, 宮路祐一, 上原秀幸,"逐次干渉除去を用いたALOHAにおけるネットワーク外干渉の対策," 信学論B, Vol.J104-B, No.3, pp.290-297, Mar. 2021.
冨田北斗, 宮路祐一, "仮想全二重におけるアウテージ確率の理論解析," 信学論B, Vol.J104-B, No.3, pp.210-221, Mar. 2021.
Kazuki Komatsu, Yuichi Miyaji and Hideyuki Uehara, "Weighted Least Squares With Orthonormal Polynomials and Numerical Integration for Estimation of Memoryless Nonlinearity," IEEE Wirel. Communi. Lett., vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 2197-2201, Dec. 2020.
Takahisa Fukui, Kazuki Komatsu, Yuichi Miyaji and Hideyuki Uehara, "Analog Self-Interference Cancellation Using Auxiliary Transmitter Considering IQ Imbalance and Amplifier Nonlinearity," IEEE Trans. on Wirel. Communi. vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 7439-7452, Nov. 2020.
Tomoaki Hiraoka, Yuichi Miyaji, and Hideyuki Uehara, "Device Identification Based on Distortion of Power Amplifiers Excited by Swept Sine," IEICE Communications Express, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 306-311, July 2020.
K. Komatsu, Y. Miyaji, and H. Uehara, "Iterative Nonlinear Self-Interference Cancellation for In-Band Full-Duplex Wireless Communications Under Mixer Imbalance and Amplifier Nonlinearity," IEEE Trans. on Wirel. Communi., vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 4424-4438, July 2020.
Md. Zen Samsono Hadi, Yuichi Miyaji, and Hideyuki Uehara, "Adaptive Group Formation Scheme for Mobile Group Wireless Sensor Networks," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E102-B, no. 7, pp.1313-1322, Jul. 2019.
Md. Zen Samsono Hadi, Yuichi Miyaji, and Hideyuki Uehara, "An Energy-efficient Mobile Group Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E101-B, no. 8, pp. 1866 - 1873, 2018.
K. Komatsu, Y. Miyaji, and H. Uehara, "Basis Function Selection of Frequency-Domain Hammerstein Self-Interference Canceller for In-Band Full-Duplex Wireless Communications," IEEE Trans. on Wirel. Communi., vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 3768-3780, June 2018.
S. Sasaki, Y. Miyaji, and H. Uehara, "Energy Budget Formulation in Progress-Based Nearest Forwarding Routing Policy for Energy-EfficientWireless Sensor Networks," IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst. , vol. E100-D, no. 12, pp. 2808-2817, Dec. 2017.
S. Sasaki, Y. Miyaji, and H. Uehara, "A novel framework of routing policy for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks: Progress-based nearest forwarding," IEICE Communications Express, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 109-114, Mar. 2017.
杉本健二, 宮路祐一, 上原秀幸,"異種アンテナの混在するアドホックネットワークにおけるメディアアクセス制御方式の特性評価," 信学論B, Vol.J100-B, No.3, pp.-, Mar. 2017.
Shinsuke Ohtake, Akiro Shimada, Yuichi Miyaji, Hideyuki Uehara and Takashi Ohira, "Location Estimation Based on Fingerprinting Technique for Two-Dimensional Multihop Wireless Power Transfer System," J. Signal Processing, Vol.18, No.4, pp.185-188, July 2014.
Akiro Shimada, Shinsuke Ohtake, Yuichi Miyaji, Hideyuki Uehara and Takashi Ohira, "Power Division Ratio on Multi-hop WPT Considering Coupling of the Receiver with Two Couplers," IEICE Electronics Express,ELEX, vol. 11, no. 5, Mar. 2014.
伊藤有基, 島田晃郎,宮路祐一, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, "磁界共鳴型2次元マルチホップ電力伝送による2つの受電器への均等な電力分配手法," 電学論C, vol. 134-C, no. 3, pp. 374-380, Mar. 2014.
甲斐祐弥, 山口 啓,宮路祐一, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, "無線センサネットワーク用指向性MACプロトコルにおけるセクタ内衝突回避方式," 信学論B, Vol.J96-B, No.12, pp. 1355-1364, Dec. 2013.
高 博昭, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, "センサネットワークの省電力化に関するトポロジ的考察," 信学論B, Vol.J96-B, No.07, pp. 680-689, Jul. 2013.
宮路祐一, 君島秋人, 大場昌範, 山川太一, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, "GNU Radio/USRPとエスパアンテナを用いた指向性MACプロトコル評価システム" 信学論B, Vol.J96-B, No.2, pp. 83-91,2013.
宮路祐一, 村中裕貴, 古橋 彬, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, " アドホックネットワークにおけるコードセンスCDMA型MACプロトコル," 情処学論, vol.53, no.2, pp. 879-888,2012.
高 博昭, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, "結合エントロピーに基づくデータ集約モデルの導出と省電力センサネットワークへの適用," 信学論B, Vol.J95-B, No.2, pp.238-245, Feb. 2012.
高 博昭, 橋本典征, 冨田真宏, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, "アクティブ状態への遷移タイミングを制御する非同期型MACプロトコルのための適応スリープ制御," 信学論B, Vol.J95-B, No.2, pp.199-207, Feb. 2012.
藤井洋兵, 進藤直樹, 藤原征雄, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, "道路ゾーンと中継機を用いた車々間/車路車間方向指定ルーティング," 信学論B, Vol.J94-B,No.2,pp.147-155,Feb. 2011.
大野雅幸, 宮路祐一, 上原秀幸, 大平 孝, "無線アドホックネットワークにおいてエスパアンテナを利用した指向性適応制御MACプロトコル," 信学論B, Vol.J94-B,No.2,pp.113-121,Feb. 2011.
Ranga Hettiarachchi, Mitsuo Yokoyama, Hideyuki Uehara, and Takashi Ohira,"Interference Canceller Based on Cycle-and-Add Property for Single User Detection in DS-CDMA," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E92-A, no.1, pp.298-306, Jan. 2009.
Ranga Hettiarachchi, Mitsuo Yokoyama, and Hideyuki Uehara, "Interference Cancellation Technique based on Discovery of Spreading Codes of Interference Signals and Maximum Correlation Detection for DS-CDMA System," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E91-A, no.11, pp.3335-3345, Nov. 2008.
荒木真里子,ヘッティアーラッチ ランガ,横山光雄,上原秀幸 "DS-CDMAにおけるCycle-and-Add 特性を利用した干渉除去方式" 電子情報通信学会論文誌A Vol. J89-A, No.3, pp.217-227, March 2007
K.S. Jeong, M. Yokoyama, and H. Uehara, " A time-varying modified MMSE detector for multirate CDMA signals in fast Rayleigh fading channels", ETRI Journal, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 143-152, Apr. 2007.
Daisuke MAEDA, Hideyuki UEHARA, Mitsuo YOKOYAMA, "Efficient Clustering Scheme Considering Non-uniform Correlation Distribution for Ubiquitous Sensor Networks" IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E90-A, no. 7, pp.1344-1352, Jul. 2007
宮下政宏,荒木真里子,横山光雄,上原秀幸,"Gold符号におけるCycle-and-Add特性について" 電子情報通信学会論文誌 A Vol. J89-A No.6 pp.572-575
前田大輔, 上原秀幸, 横山光雄, "センサネットワークにおけるcoverageとノードアクティビティについて," 信学論A, vol. J88-A, no. 22, Dec. 2005. "Coverage and Node Activity in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks"
Yoshikazu Yamaguchi, Shingi Yamashita, Mitsuo Yokoyama, Hideyuki Uehara, "Performance of a New DS-CDMA Synchronization System Using Cycle-and-Add Property," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E88-A, no. 10, pp.2905-2914, Oct. 2005.
Kilsoo Jeong, Mitsuo Yokoyama, Hideyuki Uehara, "Performance Improvement of MAI Cancellation in Fading DS/CDMA Channels," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E88-A, no. 10, pp.2869-2877, Oct. 2005.
新宮将久, 増渕友裕, 上原秀幸, 横山光雄, "車両間マルチホップ無線ネットワークにおける方向指定ルーチング," 信学論 A vol. J88-A, no. 2, pp.175-185, Feb. 2005. "Direction Oriented Routing Scheme for Inter Vehicle Multi-Hop Wireless Networks"
Noriyoshi Suzuki, Hideyuki Uehara and Mitsuo Yokoyama, "A new OFDM demodulation method with variable-length effective symbol and ICI canceller," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals vol. E85-A, no. 12, pp.2859-2867, Dec. 2002.
織田将人, 上原秀幸, 横山光雄, 伊藤大雄, "端末のパケット中継機能を用いた安否確認ネットワークの検討," 信学論B, vol. J85-B, no. 12, pp.2037-2044, Dec. 2002. "Safety information collecting network using self-organizing packet relay routing"
箱田純一, 上原秀幸, 横山光雄, "リンクの寿命とノードの負荷を考慮したアドホックルーチングプロトコルの特性評価," 信学論B, vol. J85-B, no. 12, pp.2108-2118, Dec. 2002. "Performance evaluation of mobile ad hoc routing protocols based on link expiration time and load of node"
北岸弓子, 上原秀幸, 山本亮, 横山光雄, 伊藤大雄, "マルチホップ無線ネットワークにおける優先領域に基づく中継制御法," 信学論B, vol. J85-B, no. 12, pp.2119-2128, Dec. 2002. "Packet relay control scheme based on priority regions in multihop wireless networks"
藤原正登, 上原秀幸, 横山光雄, "メディア統合CDMAパケット無線ネットワークにおけるMACプロトコル," 情処学論, Dec. 2002. "MAC protocol for integrated voice and data traffic in CDMA wireless packet networks"
山本晃也, 横山光雄, 上原秀幸, "位相情報を利用したDS/CDMA用干渉キャンセラ," 電学論C, vol. 122, no. 12, Dec. 2002. "Interference canceller for DS/CDMA using phase information"
小西たつ美, 横山光雄, 上原秀幸, 伊藤大雄, "加群上の畳込み符号による可変レートMPSK符号化変調方式," 信学論A, vol. J85-A, no. 3, pp. 334-339, Mar. 2002.
N. Suzuki, T. Shibata, N. Itoh, M. Yokoyama, "OFDM Demodulation Method with Variable Effective Symbol Duration," IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol.E85-A, no.7, pp.1665-1674, July 2002.
Hideyuki Uehara, Masato Fujihara, Mitsuo Yokoyama and Hiro Ito, "Channel assignment scheme for integrated voice and data traffic in reservation-type packet radio networks," IEICE Trans. Commun. vol. E85-B, no. 1, pp.191-198, Jan. 2002.
小西たつ美, 横山光雄, 上原秀幸, 伊藤大雄, "レイリーフェージング通信路に有効な環上の畳み込み符号," 信学論A, vol. J84-A, no. 6, pp. 834-839, June 2001.