
Our team consists of 1 secretary, 1 researcher, 10 master's students, and 5 undergraduate students.
Our team consists of 1 secretary, 1 researcher, 10 master's students, and 5 undergraduate students.
We are developing wireless communication and power transfer system by "creating our ideas", "designing from kHz to GHz", and "giving shape to our ideas through manufacturing", which are the strengths of our laboratory.
For those who are interested in our laboratory, here is an introduction to life in our laboratory.
We are working hard to write the conference papers or journal in English by the end of the Master's course.
A demonstration device that charges wearable devices using the WPT system proposed by the Smart Factory Group was exhibited at CEATEC2022. The system is capable of (1) transmitting power to multiple devices at a distance, (2) with high efficiency, and (3) without electromagnetic leakage.
Wireless power and information transfer in seawater have been successfully achieved with a transmitter/receiver using four ultra-thin flat plate electrodes. Our method can maintain an efficiency of more than 90% even when transmitting 1 kW of power over a transmission distance of 20 mm. Furthermore, the high efficiency can be maintained over a wide bandwidth, enabling high-speed communication.
2024/12/12Receiving IEEE AP-S Japan Young Engineer Award
Dr. Hasan received the IEEE AP-S Japan Young Engineer Award. Congratulations!
Letter by Asst. Prof Hasan was published in IET Electronics Letters.
Paper by Mr.Ishiwata was published in IEICE Transaction on Electronics.
Mr.Shibata presented his study results in WPTCE2024.
New seniors in undergraduates were assigned to our lab. Welcome!
Mr. Ishiwata's paper was pulished to the IEICE transactions on Electronics as an advance publication. Congratulations!
Dr. Hasan was appointed as an assistant professor.